Friday, February 13, 2009


hmm... harap2 exam ni aku dapat jawab dengan tenag dan yakin insyaallah...

Hmmm skng ni exam week bah d kolej… semua student dan tidak terkecuali aku kena duduk dan ambil exam tu… kalo tidak mcm mana mau dapat pointer yg bagus kan? lagi pun exam ni exam final sudah bagi semester ni so kenalah strive hard semaksimum mungkin utk jawab soalan-soalan exam yang ditanya nanti…. kalo boleh perah otak tu, perah la masa menjawab paper tu nanti ehehehehe….. owh, sebut pasal paper, paper aku start sabtu ni iaitu 14.02.2009 an bersamaan dengan Valentines Day. sebelum apa-apa, aku ingin mengucapkan kepada ibu-ibu dan bapak-bapak yang tgh membaca post nie, Happy Valentines Day in advance…. mana tau nanti aku terlupa wish korg semua, sedih2 lagi kawan tu tau sbb nya tidak kena wish ehehehehe…..

ermmm…. seperti yg kamu nampak pic d atas tu itu la slip kemasukan exam aku dan paper 1st aku ialah paper Komunikasi Perniagaan (KBS 1022), lepas tu paper Sistem Pangkalan Data (KCT 1024) pada 16.02.2009, diikuti dengan paper Rangkaian Komputer (KCS 1054) pada 17.02.2009 (OMG, im dead man!!! terpaksa lepas paper SPD kena study huwaaa!!), and then paper Pengaturcaraan Berorientasikan Objek (KCS 1224) a.k.a JAVA pada 20.02.2009 (serious shit paper ni susah!!! mati lah aku!!!) dan paper paling last sekali paper Analisis Dan Rekabentuk Sistem (KCS 1103) pada 21.02.2009 (paper ni pun mampu membunuh aku!!!!)….. After ja habis paper aku semua, hooorayyy!!! This semester subject is all over bebeh….. And be preparing for the next subjects and my final project on my last year in PTPL College….. after the exam weeks is all over, here comes the semester break.. hmmm talking about our semester break, our semester break is coming but it will be only last for ermmmm about two weeks, without any reason and it makes me soooo unsatisfied with it…. how come our semester break that should be about 3 – a month long, is being cut into two weeks only?! And what makes me sooo mad is, I already promised to my friends in KL that i will come and see them in my semester break… but what’s happen now is totally unacceptable!! I have to tell them that my semester break has been cut into two weeks only and a friend of mine is soo sad, just because of the unacceptable and without any reason matter!!! Sorry guys, i didn’t mean to show my anger here and being read by all of you but at the same time I don’t have any place to shout it out or anyone who i can tell these matters…. sorry guys…

naaaaahhhhhh just forget it for a while and switch the topics okay? ehehehe…. i’ll posts another post bout what im gonna do with my semester break… will it be I’m just sit in the house doing the lazy stuff? Or will I make myself busy doing some work? Or doing some traveling in Sabah or in Borneo? Or Balik Kampung? Just wait for my next post, after my paper is over bebeh….. Owh, not forget to all my college mates and classmates, wishing you all happy answering te exam sheet ok? Wishing you all the best in your examination… sebelum jawab exam tu jangan lupa baca bismillah dan berdoa supaya dapat jawab soalan dengan tenang dan yakinnnnnn ehehehehehe…..

Okay folks, c ya~~ Daaaaaaaa…….

1 comment:

  1. banyakkan berdoa, insyaAllah napi bleh buat..
    zal punya tips, sebelum revise or baca buku tu, berus gigi, gerenti segar punyer.. tak tipu~!
